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Scan Website For Broken Links

scan website for broken links

If your website has a lot of broken links, you might not have noticed the problem. But a simple way to detect broken links is by using a link checker tool. Broken link checkers are a great way to find and fix broken links. A broken link can negatively affect a website’s credibility and user experience. Broken links are often hard to spot and can be easily avoided by using a link checker plugin.

Broken Link Checker is a tool that checks inbound and outbound links. All you have to do is enter your website’s URL and it will begin checking for broken links immediately. Broken link checkers also prioritize which broken links need fixing, so you can view and reinstate dead pages without rewriting their content. You can schedule periodic checks to make sure your website is free from broken links and other problems. Some broken link checkers are free while others require a subscription.

While 404 Error messages are cute, users don’t like them. They may leave your website as soon as they see the message, which will reduce your Average Session Time and negatively impact your SEO. Broken links can also decrease your average session time and raise your Bounce Rate – both of which are important metrics for SEO. If you own multiple websites, this can be a time-consuming task. This is why using a link checker is important.

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