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How to Prevent Default Inside a Passive Event Listener


When writing a code that binds to an event, you need to make sure that you have passed the target parameter in the addEventListener() function. The target must be a mousewheel or scroll event to trigger the bind() method. If the target is a wheel, scrolling isn’t prevented by the bind() method because the mousewheel is a non-native event.

The following code creates a mouse wheel event listener. This code sets the default value to false. Then, the user clicks the mouse button. After the wheel event, the mouse cursor is activated and the mouse moves to the right. Then the user presses the arrow key, which triggers a mouse event. Once the target reaches the bottom of the screen, the click event listener will be triggered. The arrow keys are used to control the cursor.

The bind event listener is added to a click action, and the mouse wheel event listener is added to the mouse. Then, the user can click a button and trigger the corresponding action. If the user taps the arrow, the mouse will move to the wheel and then click the corresponding event listener. The bind event listening is then canceled.

A similar approach can be used for a touch event listener. This approach would eliminate the need for scrolling to block the click. In a pinch, the target would have to scroll back or down to block the action. By marking a click event listener as passive, the device would respond to the action instantly, regardless of the target. The bind event listener will not have to be reloaded.

The problem of preventing scrolling in an event listener is caused by the fact that the target is treated as a passive object. The bind event listener is a key part of a responsive web experience, which is why it should always be marked as a passive event listener. However, it must be used with caution. If it is a touch-sensitive object, it may prevent scrolling.

The problem is resolved by passing the false options in the addEventListener. This will make the passive event listener work with the target that is treated as a passive. In this case, the target has to be a control object. It should not be a child or an object. When the user presses the keyboard, the text will be displayed in the input field.

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